35 Backyard Birds in Nevada
What birds will you see in your backyards in Nevada? This article will help you identify the most common backyard birds in Nevada.
Which backyard birds of Nevada can you spot on your birdfeeders and what kind of birds should you look for on the ground? What kind of birdseed should you be using? All these questions will be answered.
This article will help you to identify common backyard birds in Nevada for all seasons. We will explain what to look for by color, shape, and size. We will also include a picture so you can refer to this guide when you can’t identify a bird in your backyard.

Depending on the time of year it is, there are over 480 bird species in Nevada. The most-seen backyard birds in Nevada are Great-tailed Grackle, Western Meadowlarks, Red-winged Blackbirds, House Finches, European Starlings, Barn Swallows, Black-billed Magpies, American Robins, Lesser Goldfinch, Eurasian Collared-Dove, Barn Swallows, Pine Siskins, Cedar waxwings, American Crows, Mourning Doves, Western Kingbirds and Western Tanagers.
The official state bird of Nevada is the Mountain Bluebird since 1967. The people of Nevada love this bird for the different songs it sings all year long in the state. Although the male’s color is more brilliant, both the male and female mountain bluebirds can be recognized for their bright blue plumage. Nevada shares their state bird with Idaho.
1. Mountain Bluebird

Scientific Name: Sialia currucoides Size: 6.3-7.9 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Mountain Bluebird is a strikingly beautiful bird with vibrant blue plumage and distinctive rust-colored markings.
The male Mountain Bluebirds have bright blue upper parts, while their underparts are pale blue to white. They have a rust-colored throat and breast, and a white belly. Females are less vibrant, with duller blue upperparts and greyish-blue breasts.
They have short tails with a square or slightly rounded shape. Their bill is black, thin, and straight.
The male often chooses a nest cavity before attracting a mate, and will sometimes begin building a nest or bringing nesting material to the site to show their readiness to breed. They require open habitats with suitable nesting sites such as tree cavities or nest boxes.
After mating, the female Mountain Bluebird constructs a cup-shaped nest from grasses, pine needles, and other plant materials, lining it with softer materials such as feathers, hair, and fine grasses. She lays a clutch of 4 to 7 light blue or white eggs, which she incubates for about 14 days. Both parents participate in feeding the nestlings, which fledge after about 18 to 21 days. They usually raise 1 to 2 broods per nesting season.
Mountain Bluebirds’ diet consists of a wide variety of insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars, ants, and spiders. They also occasionally feed on small fruits and seeds, particularly during the winter months when insects are less abundant.
During the breeding season, Mountain Bluebirds need a high-protein diet to support the growth of their young, and they may consume up to 500 insects per day.
The Mountain Bluebird prefers open grasslands, meadows, and sagebrush steppe, and is often found in areas with scattered trees, snags, or other perching sites typically at elevations of 4900 to 9800 feet. Mountain Bluebirds are also found in alpine meadows and subalpine coniferous forests during the breeding season.
Nevada is a great place to see Mountain Bluebirds, as they are relatively common throughout the state during the breeding season.
The call of the Mountain Bluebird is a soft, low-pitched “chur” or “chirp” sound.
2. red-winged blackbird

Scientific Name: Agelaius phoeniceus Size: 6.7-9.1 inches
Description And Field Marks
The male red-winged blackbird is a large blackbird with white underparts and red wings. It has an orange-red patch on its shoulder and long pointed wings. But not all Red-winged Blackbirds have red wings. Some may have yellow or orange epaulets on their wings.
The female red-winged blackbird is striped and brown-streaked in color.
Red-winged blackbirds are usually active during the day, but they may be seen at night near lights.
A red-winged blackbird’s nest is usually in a marsh or near water, but they have also been found on flat roofs and even in chimneys.
Their nest is made of twigs, grasses, and hair. They are lined with finer grasses, rootlets, or horsehair. The female lays 4 to 6 eggs that are a pale blue-green color. They also have black, brown, and purple speckles all over them. They are incubated by both parents for about 12 days. The young leave the nest after 14 days.
They are known to eat insects and seeds, including corn, wheat, and other grains. They also eat berries from shrubs and trees like elderberry, mulberry, wild grape, or honeysuckle.
The red-winged blackbird is seen in Nevada all year and is very common in many of our backyards.
Bird Note
You’ve heard the expression “Birds of a feather flock together”? Always check flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds for Common Grackles, European Starlings, and Brown-headed Cowbirds. These birds are often found together in large flocks.
Song And Call
Red-winged blackbirds can often be heard singing from a perch high in a tree or on power lines.
They have a loud, clear whistle that sounds like “fee-bee” and they also make a variety of cackling and chattering noises.
3. American Robin

Scientific Name: Turdus migratorius Size: 7.9-11.0 inches
Description And Field Marks
The American Robins has a gray-brown back and wings, with white underparts. It also has a short tail and a pointed bill for catching insects in flight or on the ground. Males have a red patch on their breasts and a black head, throat, and upper chest. Females are duller looking than males with less contrast in colors.
They prefer an open country with scattered trees and shrubs. It is found in a variety of habitats, including farmland, grasslands, parks, yards, and gardens.
The American Robin makes its nest in a tree or shrub, usually near water. The female Robin lays four to six eggs and both parents take turns sitting on them. The eggs are solid bright blue in color. The eggs hatch in about two weeks and the chicks leave the nest after another week or so.
They eat worms and insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars, and crickets. It also eats fruit and berries in the summer. They don’t do feeders but love to find bugs and worms in the grass all around your yard.
The American Robin is found in eastern North America, from the Maritime Provinces of Canada to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It is also found throughout the United States and southern parts of Canada, including most of Alaska.
The American Robin can be seen all year long in Nevada.
Song And Call
They are very early-morning singers. Listen for their call
4. yellow-rumped warbler

Scientific Name: Setophaga coronata Size: 4.7-5.5 inches
Description And Field Marks
The males are dark gray with white on their wings, and yellow on their faces, sides, and rump. The east coast male could have a white throat instead of the yellow one. The females are duller and could be brown instead of gray with less yellow.
Females built their nests in pine trees with materials brought to them by the male. She lays 1 to 6 white-speckled eggs. The incubation period is 12 to 13 days with a nesting period of 10 to 14 days.
The yellow-rumped warblers eat insects during the summer.
In Nevada, you will see the yellow-rumped warbler during the breeding season in the Northern part of the state and year-round in the southern part of Nevada. They like open areas, such as parks, woodland pine forests, dunes, and residential areas.
Song And Call
5. white-crowned sparrows

Scientific Name: Zonotrichia leucophrys Size: 5.9-6.3 inches
Description And Field Marks
On the larger size for a sparrow, the White-Crowned Sparrow was a long tail and a small bill and its head appears peaked. Its colors are a pale gray bird but the crown has a bold black and white stripe. You can also identify them from their bills which are pale pink east of the Rockies and yellow to orange bill west of the Rockies and along the Pacific Coast.
The white-crowned sparrow mostly nests below 10 feet from the ground in shrubs. The female builds the nest out of twigs, grasses, hair, and leaves. It takes between 5 to 9 days to do this.
The female lays 3 to 7 greenish to blue-greenish eggs. The incubation period is 10 to 14 days with a nesting period of 8 to 10 days. The birds will have between 1 and 3 broods each breeding season.
The pair stays together for the breeding season but will winter separately. About 2/3 will find each other again the following season to breed.
The birds’ diet mainly consists of weeds and grasses but they will eat insects and caterpillars during the summer. They will also eat grains such as corn, and bailey and fruits such as blackberries and elderberries.
The white-crowned sparrow loves scrubs up to 10 feet tall and you will see them hopping from the ground to the shrubs. During winter you will mainly see them in weedy fields, thickets, farms, and in backyards.
You will see White-Crowned Sparrows during migration and the non-breeding season in Nevada.
Call And Song
Most of the time when you hear the White-Crowned Sparrow singing it’s the male. They learn to sing within the first few months of their lives, usually where they were born, and will have different dialects. Some will be able to sing in more than one dialect.
6. dark-eyed junco

Scientific Name: Junco hyemalis Size: 5.5-6.3 inches
Description And Field Marks
The dark-eyed juncos are little birds that are slated gray in color. They are known as medium size sparrows with long tails, round faces, and white on their belly. They also have bright white markings on its tail.
Dark-eyed junco has a population of over 600 million making it one of the most common birds in the United States and Canada.
The Dark-eyed Juncos lay three to six eggs. They are cream-colored with brown spots. The eggs are usually laid in a tree hole or on the ground.
The Dark-eyed Junco eats seeds, berries, and insects. They can be found in bushes and trees. Juncos LOVE feeders! They will eat whatever you put out black-oil sunflower seeds, suet, peanut butter, or generic wild bird food. They are not picky.
Look for them on deciduous forest floors and on the grass in your backyard. They can be found in bushes and trees all over Nevada all year long.
This is another bird that can travel in mixed flocks, so you never know who else will turn up at your feeder alongside the Juncos.
Song And Call
7. northern mockingbird

Scientific Name: Mimus polyglottos Size: 10 inches
Description And Field Marks
Mockingbird bodies are grayish brown with white wing bars, (2 on each wing). Their breasts are slightly paler (may look whiteish) than their bodies. Mockingbirds have small heads, long legs, and long thin bills.
The male builds several nests in trees and shrubs usually 3 to 10 feet but could go higher. The female will choose which nest she will lay her eggs.
Northern Mockingbirds lay 2 to 6 eggs which are pale blue or white in color with spots of red or brown. The incubation period is around 2 weeks and the young will remain in the nest for about 2 weeks.
They have between 2 to 3 broods a mating season and the male will continue to feed the young from the first brood when the female will lay eggs for the second brood, which she will choose enough nest for.
Northern Mockingbirds will eat insects during the summertime and will switch to fruit and berries during the fall and winter.
Mockingbirds are very common in Nevada. They can be found all over the state. Common places to see them are along your fence, in trees, on scrubs, and on utility lines.
Song And Call
8. great-tailed grackle

Scientific Name: Quiscalus mexicanus Size: 16 to 18 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Great-tailed Grackle is one of the largest members of the blackbird family and has a stocky build with a long, slender beak and a strong, slightly curved bill. Adult males have glossy black plumage overall, including their head, body, and wings. Females have a more muted plumage with dark brown feathers that have a lighter streaked appearance. They both have yellow eyes
One of the distinctive field marks of the Great-tailed Grackle is its exceptionally long, keel-shaped tail. The tail feathers are broad and deeply forked, with the central feathers being longer than the outer ones. The male’s tail is particularly long and can be up to half the length of its body.
Great-tailed Grackles tend to place their nests in colonies, where multiple nests are found in close proximity to one another. They build their nests primarily in trees, bushes, or other elevated structures. They are known for constructing large, bulky nests made of twigs, grasses, leaves, and other plant materials.
The female Great-tailed Grackle takes the primary responsibility for constructing the nest, while the male may assist by providing materials. Once the nest is built, the female lays between 3 to 6 pale bluish or greenish eggs with darker speckles.
Both the male and female share the incubation duties, taking turns to keep the eggs warm. Incubation typically lasts around 12 to 14 days. After hatching, both parents participate in feeding and caring for the chicks until they fledge, which occurs after about 2 to 3 weeks.
Great-tailed Grackles’ diet consists of a variety of food items including insects, seeds, grains, ripe fruits, and berries.
They have been observed feeding on agricultural crops such as corn, rice, wheat, and sunflower seeds. In urban areas, they may scavenge from bird feeders or gather seeds from lawns and gardens.
Great-tailed Grackles are often found in agricultural landscapes, particularly during the breeding season when they forage in open fields. They have adapted well to urban environments and are often seen in cities and towns. You can find them in parks, parking lots, shopping centers, and residential areas.
Great-tailed Grackles are highly social birds and often form large flocks, particularly during the non-breeding season.
Great-tailed Grackles are commonly found throughout Nevada year-round.
Call And Song
They are known for their vocalizations, including various calls, squawks, and whistles.
9. mourning doves

Scientific Name: Zenaida mactoura Size: 9.1-13.4 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Mourning Dove is a medium-sized bird from the dove family. It has a rusty brown color and a few black spots above the wings. They can reach up to 12 inches in body length while their wingspan can be up to 18 inches.
The pair of Mourning Doves is monogamous and they usually mate for life. They use old nests of other birds or build their own nest on top of a post, tree branch, or even on the ground.
Mourning Doves lay two white eggs and incubate them for 13 days. The male also feeds her during this time. The young will leave the nest after 15-16 days.
Mourning Doves eat seeds and grains that are found in the backyard. They also eat insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and beetles.
Mourning Doves are one of the vacuums of the bird world, so they don’t eat from feeders but from what falls on the ground when other birds use your feeder.
The Mourning Dove is frequent in most parts of the United States.
Song And Call
10. ruby-crowned kinglet

Scientific Name: Corthylio calendula Size:3.5-4.3 inches
Description And Field Marks
These tiny songbirds flicker around bushes and shrubs in your backyard. Ruby-crowned Kinglets are olive green in color with white around the eyes and white wings with a black bar in the wings. They have small, thin tails and strong tiny bills.
The male Ruby-crowned Kinglet will show its “red crown” only when excited otherwise it is invisible.
The female and male pair will stay together during the building of the nest to when the young leave the nest, about two months. The female builds the nest in tall trees usually over 100 feet high in dense forests.
The Ruby-crowned kinglets have one brood per breeding season with up to 12 eggs. The eggs are white with red-brown spots on the ends. The incubation period is 12 to 14 days and the young remain in the nest for an additional 16 to 18 days.
Ruby-crowned kinglets mostly eat insects including spiders, ants, beetles, and wasps. They will also eat seeds and fruit when available. They will come to your backyard feeders in Wyoming to eat seeds during the non-breeding season.
The Ruby-Crowned Kinglet can be seen in Nevada all year-round. Look for the constant movement in their wings as they like dense bushes, as well as parks and backyards.
During the breeding season, they will stay in dense pine forests in the western United States and throughout Canada.
Song And Call
11. house finches

Scientific Name: Haemorhous mexicanus Size: 5.1-5.5 inches
Description And Field Marks
The House Finch is a small bird with a length of 7.5 inches and a weight of 5 ounces. The male House Finch has a brown back, wings, tail, and head with white underparts and varying shades of red around the head while the female is grayish-brown all over.
House Finches build their nest anyway as long as it’s 12 to 15 feet above the ground usually in buildings and trees. Nests are made of grass, weeds, twigs, and leaves. The female builds the nest while the male will feed her during this time and incubation.
The eggs are pale blue with lavender and black dots and consist of 2 to 6 eggs. The incubation period is 13 to 14 days. Both the male and female feed their young for the 12 to 15 days they remain in the nest.
House Finches usually have 3 broods each year.
House Finches like to eat small worms, insects, seeds of small plants, and berries of some plants as well. They will visit the bird feeders often and really love sunflower seeds. They will also visit your Hummingbird feeders for the sugar water.
Seen throughout North America, the House Finch is a very social bird and is usually seen in flocks except during mating season. You will find them in cities, suburban towns, and farmland. They love lawns, weedy areas, and trees but not dense forests.
Bird Notes
If the bird you’re looking for has a raspberry or light pink body check to see if it’s a purple finch.
Song And Call
The House Finch has a high-pitched sound that the male House Finch mostly uses to attract the female for breeding.
12. Western Kingbird

Scientific Name: Tyrannus verticalis Size: 8.5 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Western Kingbird is a migratory bird commonly found throughout western North America. It is a yellow-bellied species of the kingbird genus and is distinguished from other kingbirds by its distinctive white underside and forked tail.
The western kingbird is easily identifiable with its small black bill, dark eyes, black legs, and feet, and an orange-red central crown patch that is often hidden from view. It has an ashy gray head, neck, and breasts, dark lores and white malar, dark coverts, and an olive green back. The tail is black and square with white edges, and the belly and undertail feathers are bright yellow. Juveniles are paler overall.
The Western Kingbird builds a cup-shaped nest made of grasses, roots, weed stems, and other vegetative material, lined with finer grasses, hair, feathers, and other softer material. It is usually built in the branches of a tree or shrub, but may also sometimes use man-made structures such as utility poles or building ledges.
The female lays between 3 and 7 eggs, with an average clutch size of 4 eggs. The Western Kingbird typically produces 1 to 2 broods per year on average.
The incubation period is roughly 18 to 19 days and the nesting period is about 16 to 17 days. Both parents fed the young after hatching and will continue to feed and protect the young for a few weeks after they have fledged from the nest.
Western Kingbirds are predominantly carnivores and insectivores, eating mostly flying insects such as bees, robber flies, winged ants, and grasshoppers. They also consume fruits, berries, and seeds from buckthorn, sumac, and poison ivy as well as grains, nuts, and other fruits.
The Western Kingbird can be found in open areas with scattered trees, utility poles, or man-made structures, such as telephone poles and buildings.
They are found in western North America, from the Río Grande valley and northwest Mexico to southern Canada. They are also found east of the Mississippi River and have been known to cross over into parts of Wisconsin and Illinois. There are seen in Nevada during the spring and summer breeding months as they migrate south for the winter.
Call And Song
13. brown-headed cowbirds

Scientific Name: Molothrus ater Size: 7.5 inches
Description And Field Marks
Chunky, dark-eyed blackbird with short tails and thick bills. Adult males are glossy black with iridescent brown heads. Females are brown with light streaks on the belly.
Brown-headed Cowbirds nest in trees, but there is no nest-building involved. Female Brown-headed Cowbirds are parasites – they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. In many cases, larger Cowbird nestlings will push the other species’ eggs or chicks out of the nest. Parasite hosts raise the Cowbird chick as their own.
Seeds, grasses, and insects make up most of the Brown-headed Cowbird’s diet. Females add snails and eggs from nests they parasitize; they need the extra calcium because they lay so many of their own eggs in other birds’ nests.
Brown-headed Cowbirds will come to feeders, usually with Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, and European Starlings that sometimes overwhelm household feeders.
Brown-headed Cowbirds can be found pretty much everywhere but in heavy forests. They got their name by foraging among herds of grazing buffalo and cattle.
In Winter, Brown-headed Cowbirds can be found among the large flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, and European Starlings.
Bird Notes
The much smaller Yellow Warbler’s nests are targets for Brown-headed Cowbirds, but the Yellow Warbler has figured out a way to deal with this. Since they are too small to just push the Cowbird egg out of the nest, they build another nest on top of the Cowbird egg, smothering it and allowing their own eggs to hatch without intruders.
Song And Call
14. house sparrow

Scientific Name: Passer domesticus Size: 5.9-6.7 inches
Description And Field Marks
The House Sparrow differs from another American Sparrow as they are not related. They have a rounder head and are chunkier, with a bigger chest, short tails, and thicker bills.
Like most other female birds, she is duller than the male, brown with dirty gray and brown underparts with striped backs in brown, black, and buff.
Male House Sparrows are chunky with a round head, stout bill, and full breasts. Colors include gray crowns, dark brown necks, white cheeks, black bibs, and gray crowns.
House sparrows nest in cavities and use a variety of materials to build their nests. They are not known for being picky about where they nest, so if you have a birdhouse or an old nest box in your yard, it might attract house sparrows. House sparrows nest in cavities in trees or buildings.
The female lays 3-8 eggs. The incubation period is 10-14 days and the young stay in the nest for 10 to 14 days.
They eat seeds, grains, and insects. Sparrows will definitely be at your feeder eating birdseed, sunflower seeds, millet, and milo.
The House Sparrow lives where people live. You will find them in cities and towns, in backyards and parks.
Song And Call
15. American crows

Scientific Name: Corvus brachyrhynchos Size: 15.8-20.9 inches
Description And Field Marks
The American Crow is not a crow at all. It is actually a raven, but it has been called the “American Crow” for many years. This all-black bird has shiny feathers. The bill is also black with a hook on the end. The male is slightly more glossy than the female.
The American crow is smaller than the fish crow.
The American Crow doesn’t breed until it’s between 2 and 4 years old. The “family” stays together for years, so some of the “kids” will help raise the next year’s brood.
Their nests are in large trees mostly evergreens. Both the male and female will make the nest out of large twigs lined with pine needles. The nest is big around 15 inches across and 7 to 10 inches deep.
They usually lay 3 to 9 eggs which are bluish-green in color with gray and brown blotches at either end.
The incubation period is 16 to 18 days, and the young remain in the nest anywhere from 20 to 40 days.
The American Crow will eat just about anything including seeds, nuts, worms, and small animals such as mice. They will also steal and eat eggs from other birds like robins, sparrows, loons, jays, and eiders. They will even eat garbage from the dumps.
The American Crow can be seen throughout the United States but differ in size by region. Northwestern crows are the ones you will see in Nevada throughout the year and are larger than what you will see on the west coast. In Florida, the American Crow is smaller but has large feet.
It is common to see them on lawns, open fields, woodlands, parking lots, and in towns as well as in cities.
Bird Notes
The American Crow is an aggressive bird that will chase many large birds like eagles and hawks. Many times you will see them in flocks of up to 1000 birds.
Song And Call
16. lesser goldfinch

Scientific Name: Spinus psaltria Size: 4-4.3 inches
Description And Field Marks
Lesser Goldfinches are small birds with white wing bars that are noticeable during flight and bill that is black and short. The male has a glossy black cap extending from the forehead to the nape of the neck. The upper parts are bright yellow, extending from the throat to the belly.
The female has a dark olive-green or grayish-green crown and nape. The underparts are yellow, but paler than those of the male.
The female Lesser Goldfinch is responsible for constructing the nest. She builds a small, cup-shaped nest using a variety of plant materials, including grasses, plant fibers, moss, and sometimes incorporating bits of leaves or twigs.
She lays a clutch of 3 to 6 pale bluish-white eggs with darker speckles and incubates the eggs alone for about 12 to 14 days. During this period, the male may assist in feeding the female while she incubates.
Both parents participate in feeding and caring for the nestlings once they hatch. They bring small insects and seeds to the nest to provide nourishment to the growing chicks. The nestlings typically fledge and leave the nest around 12 to 17 days after hatching.
Seeds make up a significant portion of the Lesser Goldfinch’s diet. They feed on a variety of seeds from different plant species, including grasses, flowers, and weeds. Also sunflower and thistle seeds.
Lesser Goldfinches also consume insects, especially during the breeding season when protein-rich food is essential for their young.
Lesser Goldfinches are commonly found in a range of habitats, including open woodlands, scrublands, riparian areas, shrubby habitats, and even urban and suburban environments. They are often associated with areas where there is a mix of shrubs, trees, and open spaces.
In Nevada, you will see the Lesser Goldfinch year-round.
Call And Song
17. house wren

Scientific Name: Troglodytes aedon Size: 4.35.1 inches
Description And Field Marks
The House Wren is a small songbird weighing about the same as two quarters. Its coloring is all brown with a darker brown on the wings and tail. For a small bird, it has a long curved beak.
The House Wren nests in nest boxes (which would need to be installed in your backyard way before the breeding season) and tree holes. It avoids nesting in heavily wooded areas and prefers areas where humans are. They line the nests with twigs.
The female lays 3 to 10 white-speckled eggs. The incubation period is 9 to 16 days and the nestling period is 15 to 17 days.
The House Wren eats many different types of insects from flies to spiders. They also like snail shells.
House Wren has a very large range and can be seen over the entire Western Hemisphere. It can be seen in Nevada during the summer as they breed in North America and fly south for the winter. You can see them in yards, by buildings, and by farms.
Bird Note
House Wren will come to your backyard especially if you have downed brush as they like to go under for cover and eat insects.
Song And Call
18. red-breasted nuthatch

Scientific Name: Sitta canadensis Size: 4.3 inches
Description And Field Marks
The red-breasted nuthatch is a small bird, dark gray on top with a rusty color breast. It has a short tail and a sharp bill. The female is similar to the male except she has lighter gray on top and a paler rust color underneath.
Often found during fall and winter working their way down tree trunks. Smaller and slimmer than the White-breasted Nuthatch.
The red-breasted nuthatch is the only bird that can climb down a tree head first by using its tail as a brace. It does this to keep from falling off tree branches.
The red-breasted nuthatch nest is a hole in a tree. The female lays eggs between April and June, with an average clutch size of 4 to 6 eggs. The young stay in the nest for about 11 days and then leave the nest.
The red-breasted nuthatch diet consists of insects and seeds. They love suet and peanut butter and peanuts, so they are big on winter feeders.
It lives throughout the eastern United States and Canada. The red-breasted nuthatch is found in woodlands, mature forested areas, and large parks.
You can see them in Nevada year-round.
Song And Call
19. Cedar Waxwings

Scientific Name: Bombycilla cedrorum Size: 5.5-6.7 inches
Description And Field Marks
In the spring males sport bright red feathers on their wings that give them the name Cedar waxwing. They have a yellow ban on the tip of the tail. Cedar waxwings are small birds, averaging only 5.5 inches long.
They have a special way of building their nest: they use the sticky saliva from their mouths to bind the twigs together.
The nests are made of twigs and lined with grass, hair, or rootlets.
They build their nests in trees and shrubs, usually at a height of about 20 feet, and lay three to five eggs.
The male and female both incubate the eggs for about 12 days, but once hatched, both parents feed the young.
Each brood of chicks will have two to three broods a year.
During the winter months, Cedar waxwings feed on fruits and berries, but in the spring they switch to insects.
They eat berries, nectar, and insects.
Cedar waxwings are common in the northern U.S. and can be found in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Minnesota, and Michigan. They can be found in the southern states across the USA during the non-breeding season.
Song And Call
20. Barn Swallows

Scientific Name: Hirundo rustica Size: 5.9-7.5 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Barn Shallow is the size of a sparrow but what stands out about them are their long, pointed wings and long, forked tail. The color on their face and back is cobalt blue and tawny on their underparts. Its throat and chin are rusty to orange. Males are more brightly colored than females.
The barn swallow is the most common swallow in the world. They are known for flying very low over the ground and water.
Both the male and the female build their nests by making cup shapes of mud on rafters, eaves, and cross beams of barns and sheds, or even bridges. They sometimes use nests from previous years too.
Barn Shallows have 1 to 2 broods per season with 3 to 7 cream-pinkish eggs with brown, lavender, and gray spots. The incubation period is 12 to 17 days with the nesting period being between 15 to 27 days.
Barn Shallow diet consists of all types of flying insects including flies, needs, and moths. They caption most of their food while flying. They will also eat eggshells and oyster shells from the ground when humans put them out.
Barn Swallow likes to be in open areas such as fields, parks, and roadways. You will also see them in marsh areas, along coastal waters, ponds, and meadows. They breed in the United States and Southern Canada and fly south would for the winter.
You will see them in Nevada during the spring and summer months.
Bird Notes
To attach them to your backyard leave eggshells and oyster shells on the ground or build platform feeders. Also by building platforms for nesting. If you have outbuildings on your property such as barns and sheds you can leave the doors and windows open so the barn swallows can build their nests inside. Having some mud around also helps them build their nests.
Song And Call
21. Mountain Chickadee

Scientific Name: Poecile gambeli Size: 4 to 5 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Mountain Chickadee is a small passerine bird found in the mountainous regions of western North America. They are gray with a black cap and throat, white cheeks, and white eyebrows. They have a small, thin bill and a short tail.
Mountain Chickadees typically breed in the late spring and early summer. They build cup-shaped nests in tree cavities or nest boxes, typically using moss, lichen, and bark strips.
The female chickadee lays 5 to 8 eggs, which are incubated for about 12 to 13 days by both parents. After hatching, the chicks are fed by both parents and fledge from the nest after about 18 to 21 days.
Mountain Chickadees primarily feed on insects, including spiders, caterpillars, and beetles. They also eat seeds and berries, particularly in the winter months.
Mountain Chickadees prefer coniferous forests at higher elevations, typically between 5,000 to 12,500 feet. They are also found in subalpine and alpine habitats. These active birds typically forage in the lower to middle levels of the forest canopy. They often move in mixed-species flocks with other small birds, such as nuthatches and woodpeckers.
Mountain Chickadees can be found year-round in Nevada, particularly in the western and southwestern regions of the state.
Call And Song
Mountain Chickadees are known for their distinctive vocalizations, including a high-pitched, whistled song and a “chick-a-dee-dee” call.
22. black-billed magpie

Scientific Name: Pica [pica] hudsonia Size: 18-24 inches
Description And Field Marks
The black-billed magpie is a mid-sized bird the size of a crow with an extremely long tail. It is black and white with black areas on the wings and tail showing iridescent hints of blue or blue-green. It is one of only four North American songbirds whose tail makes up half or more of the total body length. The tail is made up of long, layered feathers, the middle pair of which protrudes farthest of all. Males and females look alike.
Black-billed Magpies build their nests over 40-50 days, using sticks gathered by the male for the exterior and grass and other materials gathered by the female for the interior. The finished nest is a large, domed structure, usually around 30 inches high and 20 inches wide. The dome is constructed of sticks, with entrances on both sides. Inside the dome is a cup-shaped nest with a mud or manure base and a lining made from grass, rootlets, hair, and weeds.
Once the nest is finished, the female will lay up to nine eggs, with the typical clutch ranging from 6-7 eggs. The male will bring food while the female incubates the eggs, and both will feed the young once they have hatched. After 3-4 weeks the young will leave the nest, joining with other broods and being fed by their parents for an additional 3-4 weeks.
Black-billed Magpies eat a variety of food types. Their primary diet consists of insects and their larva, as well as the eggs and hatchlings of songbirds. They also eat fruit and grain crops, small mammals such as mice and meadow voles, carrion, seeds, grains, and nuts. Black-billed Magpies may also eat garbage and food that is left out for pets.
It inhabits the western half of North America including western Canada and southern Alaska. You will see them year-round in Nevada.
Song And Call
The black-billed magpie alarm call is known as a chatter, which is a ka-ka-ka-ka sound, sometimes preceded by a skah-skah. They also have a mag-mag-mag call, which they use to communicate with other birds.
23. spotted towhee

Scientific Name: Pipilo maculatus Size: 6.7-8.3 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Spotted Towhee is roughly the same size as a robin, with a long, dark, fan-shaped tail with white corners on the end, and a round body with bright red eyes and dull pink legs.
Males have jet-black heads, throats, backs, and tails, while females are dark brown or grayish-black. Juvenile birds are mostly brown with brown streaking and tarnish spots. They have red eyes, pinkish legs, and thick, dark, pointed beaks.
Spotted towhees breed during the spring and summer, typically laying 3 to 5 eggs per brood. The female builds the nest on the ground or low in bushes, often concealed by adjacent plants but not typically inside thickets. The nest is made of leaves, strips of bark, twigs, forb stalks, and grasses, lined with pine needles, shredded bark, grass, and sometimes hair.
The eggs are grayish or creamy-white with reddish-brown spots and are incubated by the female alone for 12 to 14 days. Once hatched, both parents feed the chicks, which leave the nest at 10 to 12 days but remain with their parents until 30 days of age.
The Spotted Towhee is an omnivore that primarily feeds on seeds, plants, acorns, and berries during the winter. However, during the breeding season, they mainly eat insects such as beetles, weevils, crickets, grasshoppers, moths, spiders, millipedes, snails, and wasps.
They are ground foragers and use a two-footed scratching method to locate food under the litter. The Spotted Towhee frequents brushy areas and is common at bird feeders wherever seed is scattered on the ground.
The Spotted Towhee is found in shrubby habitats in forested lowlands throughout Washington and in open forests, brushy fields, and chaparrals across western North America.
They often use shrubby thickets in residential areas, on clear-cuts, and around wetlands. Towhees prefer to forage in areas with a thick layer of leaf litter and a screen of foliage and twigs low to the ground.
The Spotted Towhee can be found in Nevada year-round, although they may be more difficult to spot during the winter months when they become more secretive and may be found in thicker vegetation. The best time to look for them is during the breeding season, which typically occurs from mid-April through July.
Call And Song
24. Eurasian collared-dove

Scientific Name: Streptopelia decaocto Size: 11.4-11.8 inches
Description And Field Marks
Bigger and heavier than the mourning dove, the Eurasian collared dove has plump bodies and long tails that are squared off at the tip. Their size is between a robin and a crow.
The Eurasian collared dove is brownish to gray in color with white on its tail. They have a black narrow patch around the nape of the neck. When you see them flying their wingtips are darker than the rest of the wings.
Males pick the nest sites and gather the materials while females build the nest about 10 feet off the ground. It’s a simple platform-style nest and will use this nest for many broods (from 3 to 6) during the breeding season. In warm areas such as Florida, the doves will nest year-round.
Each brood has 1 to 2 white eggs with an incubation period of 14 to 19 days and a nesting period of 17 days.
The Eurasian Collared Dove mostly eats seeds and grains such as millet, wheat, corn, and sunflowers. They will eat seeds from your birdfeeders.
They live in urban and suburban areas where they can access birdfeeders. They prefer warmer climates and you can see them in Nevada year-round.
Song And Call
25. Western tanagers

Scientific Name: Piranga ludoviciana Size: 7 inches
Description And Field Marks
The male Western Tanager is a colorful bird with a bright red head, a yellow body, and black wings with two white bars. Females are yellow-green with darker wings and back. Both have stocky bodies and thick, pale bills, and dark eyes.
The Western Tanager is a bird species that nests in trees during the breeding season, typically from May to August. Here are some details about the nesting habits of Western Tanagers:
Western Tanagers build their nests in the outer branches of trees, usually between 10 and 50 feet off the ground. They prefer coniferous or mixed forests, but can also be found in deciduous forests and woodlands. The nest is a cup-shaped structure made of small twigs, grasses, and other plant materials. The inside of the nest is lined with fine grasses, rootlets, and sometimes animal hair.
The female Western Tanager builds the nest, while the male defends the territory. The female lays 3 to 5 pale green or blue eggs, which she incubates for about 12 to 14 days. Both parents feed the chicks, which fledge after about 12 to 14 days.
The Western Tanager is occasionally targeted by the Brown-headed Cowbird, which lays its eggs in the Tanager’s nest. Cowbird chicks typically outcompete tanager chicks for food, often resulting in the death of the tanager chicks.
The Western Tanager feeds on a variety of insects, including beetles, caterpillars, ants, bees, and wasps. They often catch insects while in flight or by gleaning them from the foliage.
They will also eat fruit, especially during the breeding season and are known to feed on berries, cherries, and other small fruits.
It’s worth noting that Western Tanagers are only found in western North America during the breeding season. They typically breed in coniferous or mixed forests in the western United States and Canada, and they migrate to Mexico and Central America for the winter.
The Western Tanager can be found in Nevada during the breeding season, which typically occurs from May through August.
Call And Song
26. Verdin

Scientific Name: Auriparus flaviceps Size: 4-4.5 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Verdin is a small songbird with distinct plumage features that make it easily recognizable. The adult Verdin has a yellowish-olive back, wings, and tail, while the underparts are pale yellow. The head is mostly bright yellow, which gives the bird a vibrant appearance. The face is adorned with a small black eye patch and a short, pointed bill.
Verdins are renowned for their remarkable nest-building skills, creating intricate hanging structures that are pendant-shaped and resemble small, elongated sacks.
The female Verdin lays a clutch of 3 to 6 eggs, typically white or creamy white in color, with small brown or reddish speckles, and incubates the eggs for 12 to 14 days. The young remain in the nest for 15-17 days. The male helps by feeding the female during incubation and helping with the nestlings.
Insects form a significant portion of Verdin’s diet. They feed on a variety of small insects, including beetles, ants, wasps, caterpillars, spiders, and other arthropods. They also consume seeds, nectar, and small fruits and berries to supplement their nutrition.
Verdins are primarily found in arid and semi-arid habitats of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. They inhabit desert scrublands, thorny thickets, and mesquite woodlands. Their range extends from southern California, southern Nevada, and southwestern Arizona in the United States.
You will see them year-round in Nevada.
Call And Song
Verdin’s vocalizations are high-pitched and melodious producing a variety of calls, including soft chattering and a rapid, musical trill.
27. song sparrow

Scientific Name: Melospiza melodia Size: 4.7-6.7 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Song Sparrow is a medium size bulky sparrow. Their mostly brown body has streaks of white/light gray throughout. It has a long rounded tail and broad wings.
It’s larger than a chipping sparrow but smaller than a dark-eyed junco.
The Song Sparrow nest is made of grass and twigs. They are also lined with hair, feathers, and wool. The nest is usually found in a bush or tree near water. They are not afraid of humans so can nest close to your home on lights or poles and in flower beds.
The Song Sparrows lays one to six eggs. The eggs are either, blue, blue-green, or gray-green with some brown spots on them. The incubation period is 12 to 15 days and the young spend another 9 to 12 days in the nest.
The Song Sparrow can have anywhere between 1 to 7 broods per year.
It eats insects, seeds, and berries. They will come to your feeders for any seeds or suet.
Song Sparrows are very common in Nevada. They can be found all over the state year-round.
Sog And Call
28. Steller’s Jay

Scientific Name: Cyanocitta stelleri Size: 11.8-13.4 inches
The Steller’s Jay is a medium-sized bird songbird with a distinctive blue-black coloration on its head, neck, and upper body. They have a black crest on their head that can be raised or lowered depending on their mood. They also have a long, sturdy bill, and their eyes are dark with a faint white stripe above the eye. The wings and tail feathers are blue with black bars and white spots on the tips.
The nest of a Steller’s Jay is typically a cup-shaped structure made of twigs, bark strips, moss, and grass. It’s placed in the crotch of a tree, on a horizontal branch, or in a coniferous tree. They may also build nests in shrubs, on utility poles, or in man-made structures.
The female is responsible for building the nest, while the male helps to gather materials. She lays 3 to 5 pale green or blue eggs with brown spots. The eggs are incubated for 16 to 18 days by the female, while the male brings her food. Both parents care for the young for 18 to 21 days when they leave the nest but will also continue to feed them for several more weeks.
The Steller’s Jays eat a wide variety of food including insects, nuts, seeds, fruits, and small vertebrates. They will also store food for later use.
Steller’s Jays are opportunistic and will eat almost anything including human food scraps, and pet food from campgrounds and picnic areas.
The Steller’s Jay is native to the western part of North America, from Alaska to Mexico. They inhabit coniferous forests, oak woodlands, and other forested areas.
Steller’s Jays can be found in Nevada, particularly in the southern parts of the state year-round.
Call And Song
They are known for their loud and harsh calls, which can be heard throughout the forest.
29. European Starling

Scientific Name: Sturnus vulgaris Size: 7.9-9.1 inches
Description And Field Marks
The European Starling is the size of a Robin and from a distance looks all black. However, they have a purplish-green iridescent color to them when you see them up close. Their yellow bill stands out and they have short tails.
You often see them in large flocks with blackbirds and grackles.
Starlings will take other birds’ nests and use them as long as they are high off the ground, usually in trees, on streetlights, buildings, or nest boxes. The male will find these nests and will add twigs, pine needles, grasses, and feathers. Females will add greens to the nest before laying 3 to 6 eggs.
Both the male and female will incubate the eggs for a period of around 12 days. The egg color is bluish to greenish white. The young will stay in the nest for about 3 weeks.
European Starlings eat mostly insects but will also eat fruits. In addition, they will eat seeds, nectar, garbage, and livestock feed.
They live where humans are, in towns and cities, and roost in trees and on buildings, also you will see them on wires. They like open fields and lawns and are not far from a water source.
Bird Notes
A fun fact about the European Starling is that all North American birds descended from 100 birds that in 1890 were intentionally released into Central Park in New York City. Today they have a population in North America of over 2 million.
Song And Call
The European starling is a highly sociable bird. It lives in flocks of up to 100 birds, and its calls include whistling and chattering noises.
30. Say’s Phoebe

Scientific Name: Sayornis saya Size: 6.5-7 inches
Description And Field Marks
The plumage of the Say’s Phoebe is a brownish-gray upper body, including the head, back, and wings. The underparts are pale yellowish to off-white, with a slight buff or peachy tinge on the breast and belly. The undertail coverts are pale buff. The bird has a distinctive pale gray to whitish throat and chin, which contrasts with the darker brownish-gray head.
The wings of the Say’s Phoebe are dark brown with two prominent white wing bars, one near the base of the primaries and another closer to the wing’s middle. The tail is brownish-gray, and the outer tail feathers may have faint pale edges.
Say’s Phoebes cup-shaped nests are often placed against vertical surfaces, such as a wall or cliff face, utilizing the shelter and support they provide. The female takes the primary responsibility for nest building while the male assists by providing materials.
Say’s Phoebes lay a clutch of 3 to 6 creamy-white eggs with light brown or purple spots. The female incubates the eggs for 14 to 17 days while the male provides food to the female. Both parents participate in feeding and caring for the nestlings for 16 to 20 days or until the young leave the nest.
The diet of Say’s Phoebes primarily consists of insects. They are insectivorous birds and feed on a variety of flying and terrestrial insects.
The Say’s Phoebe is known for its characteristic flycatcher behavior. It perches on exposed branches, fences, or other prominent perches and sallies out to catch flying insects. After catching its prey, it often returns to the same perch. The pumping or wagging tail is a notable behavior.
Say’s Phoebes are frequently found in grasslands, including both shortgrass and mixed-grass prairies. They are also found in desert habitats, including arid scrublands and desert grasslands.
Say’s Phoebes readily adapt to human-altered landscapes, and they can be seen in agricultural areas such as farmlands, pastures, and orchards. They may utilize structures like barns, sheds, and fences for nesting.
In most of Nevada, you will see them during the breeding season from late March to early April and depart in late August to September. However, you can see them year-round in the southern tip of the state.
Call And Song
The vocalizations of the Say’s Phoebe are typically a soft and nasal “phee-bee” or “fee-bee” call, which is often repeated in quick succession.
31. Western Bluebird

Scientific Name: Sialia Mexicana Size: 6-7 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Western Bluebird is a small, brightly colored bird that is found in the western United States, Mexico, and parts of Canada. They have a bright blue head, back, and wings, with a rusty-red breast and a gray-blue belly. The blue coloration may appear more subdued in females and juveniles. They also have a white eye ring and a small, thin bill.
Western Bluebirds typically choose nest sites that are sheltered and hidden from view, such as tree cavities, nest boxes, or birdhouses. They prefer sites that are at least 5-6 feet above the ground and have a clear flight path to the entrance hole.
The female does most of the nest building, with the male occasionally bringing in nesting materials as well. She lays 4 to 6 light blue or white eggs and incubates them for 14 days. The male will bring her food during this time.
The young will leave the nest in 17 to 21 days however the parents will continue to care for them for several weeks by providing food and protection.
Western Bluebirds are known to use artificial nest boxes or birdhouses, so providing suitable nesting sites can be a great way to attract them to your yard or property.
The Western Bluebird feeds primarily on insects, including beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars, as well as spiders and other arthropods. They also eat some fruits and berries, especially during the winter months when insect prey is less abundant.
They may consume small amounts of seeds or nectar, especially during the winter months. Even visit hummingbird feeders for nectar, and may also eat fruits such as elderberries and grapes.
The Western Bluebird is found in a variety of habitats across its range, including open woodlands, oak savannas, pine forests, and sagebrush steppe. They prefer areas with scattered trees and shrubs, as well as open grassy or meadow areas.
They can be found in Nevada year-round.
Call And Song
The Western Bluebird is quiet and unobtrusive compared to some other bird species, but may occasionally give a soft “chur” or “chirp”.
32. pine siskin

Scientific Name: Carduelis pinus Size: 4.3-5.5 inches
Description And Field Marks
Pine siskins are small finches with a thin, sharply pointed bill, a notched tail, two dusky wing bars that fade to white over time, flight feathers with yellow bases, brown upperparts, pale underparts with heavy streaks over their body, short, forked tails, conical beaks that are longer and more slender than other finches, and yellow patches on their tails and wings, with white streaks appearing on the wings as well. The male also has more vivid plumage than the female.
The pine siskin typically builds its nest in a conifer, usually low in the tree, and lays 3 or 4 pale green eggs, lightly speckled with dark brown and black. The nest is a shallow saucer of bark, twigs, and moss lined with plant down and feathers.
The female will incubate the eggs for about 13 days and the young will leave the nest after 14-15 days.
Pine siskins are mostly granivorous, feeding mainly on small seeds such as those of thistle, red alder, birch, spruce, hemlock, pine, cedar, dandelions, chickweed, ragweed, and sunflower. They may also feed on insects, spiders, and larvae.
Pine Siskins feed readily at backyard feeders, preferring smaller seeds without tough shells like thistle and black-oil sunflower, but they will scavenge fragments of larger seeds left by heavier-billed birds, and will occasionally eat suet.
Pine Siskins typically breed in coniferous forests in most of Canada, the northern and western parts of the United States, and Alaska
In most of Nevada, you will see them year-round except on the northern and southern tips where you will see them during the non-breeding season,
Call And Song
The Pine Siskin has a range of song and calls notes, including a high-pitched, quick chitter, a distinctive, harsh “watch-winding” call, and a tuneful “sweeet” sound. When communicating with other siskins, the males make a sharper, high-pitched, elongated “zweeeee” sound. Females have a low-pitched, husky call that can be heard over long distances.
33. northern flicker

Scientific Name: Colaptes auratus Size: 11.0-12.2 inches
Description And Field
The Northern Flicker male and female are similar in color. They both have a rounded head, the bill is curved down and the tail tapers to a long point.
Although the same bird their colors differ from the eastern United States (bright yellow wing and tail feathers) and the western US (red wing and tail feathers).
The Northern Flicker is also known as “the woodpecker that doesn’t peck wood.” Instead, it gleans insects from the bark of trees.
It nests in holes excavated by other animals, such as squirrels and woodpeckers. It lays 5 to 8 eggs which are all white. They only have one brood per nesting season.
The incubation period is around 2 weeks and the young stay in the nest for about a month.
Northern Flickers mostly will eat insects that they get from the ground. They will “drum” at the ground as other woodpeckers drum in trees and wood. During the winter months, they will also eat fruits and seeds.
These are beautiful woodpeckers. They may also stop in at your suet and peanut feeders, but most likely you’ll see them nesting in old trees.
You will see Northern Flickers in city parks and backyards in the suburbs. You will also find them in woodlands with open trees, burned forests, swamps, and marshes.
The Northern Flicker has a wide range of calls. It has a typical woodpecker-like “drum” and a more musical, gurgling call that is often mistaken for the song of the Red-winged Blackbird.
The Northern Flicker is a common bird in Nevada.
Call And Drumming
34. Bullock’s Oriole

Scientific Name: Icterus bullockii Size: 7 to 8 inches
Description And Field Marks
Bullock’s Orioles are brightly colored birds that are found in western North America, from the Great Plains to the Pacific coast. They are medium-sized birds with a relatively large, heavy bill and a distinctive head shape with a slightly crested appearance.
Male Bullock’s Orioles have striking plumage with bright orange-yellow underparts and a black back, wings, and tail. They also have a black mask around the eyes and a white wing patch that is visible in flight. Females have a more muted coloration, with duller yellow-orange underparts and a grayish-brown back, wings, and tail. They also have a whitish eyebrow stripe and a yellow wing patch.
Bullock’s Orioles build hanging basket-like nests that are suspended from the tips of tree branches, typically in deciduous trees such as cottonwoods or willows. The female Bullock’s Oriole is primarily responsible for building the nest, although the male may assist with gathering materials.
The female will lay 3-5 eggs and incubate them for about 12-14 days. Both parents will feed and care for the chicks once they hatch, bringing them a diet of insects, fruit, and nectar. The young will fledge from the nest after about 12-14 days and will continue to be fed by the parents for several more weeks.
Bullock’s Orioles have a varied diet that includes insects, fruit, and nectar. They are known to feed on the nectar of a variety of flowers, including trumpet-shaped flowers such as honeysuckle and fuchsia.
Bullock’s Orioles are found in a variety of open woodland habitats, including riparian areas, oak woodlands, and pine forests. They are often seen in trees and shrubs near water sources such as streams, rivers, and ponds.
Bullock’s Orioles can be found throughout Nevada during the breeding season from May to August. They are the most common oriole in the state.
Call And Song
They are also known for their distinctive liquid whistling song, which is often heard during the breeding season from May to July.
35. Brewer’s Blackbird

Scientific Name: Euphagus cyanocephalus Size: 8 inches
Male Brewer’s Blackbirds are medium-sized birds with entirely black plumage. They have a glossy purple-blue iridescence to their heads, a metallic green sheen on their bodies, and pale eyes.
They stand out when seen in sunlight. The glossy combination of black, dark blue, and metallic green feathers gleams brilliantly in full sun. Female Brewer’s Blackbirds are dark gray with dark eyes and while they have some blue-green iridescence on their bodies, are nowhere as noticeable as the males.
Both sexes have sharply pointed bills.
Brewer’s Blackbirds usually nest in trees but may also build a nest on the ground in taller grasses. The nest is a bulky cup made of twigs, grass, and pine needles lined with soft grass and animal hair.
Brewer’s Blackbirds feed on mostly insects and seeds. In summer, they seek out berries for a change of pace. The birds forage in shallow water and fields searching for food and have been observed following farm machinery to see what has been turned up.
Bird Notes
Brewer’s Blackbirds resemble Common Grackles. How to tell the difference? Look at heads and tails. Common Grackles are larger birds, with long tails and thicker bills. And male Common Grackles have a blue sheen to their heads while the Brewer’s Blackbirds display a purple sheen.
Call And Song
What Are The Best Ways To Attract Backyard Birds?
1. Put Out Bird Feeders
There are many different types of bird feeders available on the market, each designed to attract different types of birds. The most popular bird feeders include tube feeders, hopper feeders, platform feeders, and window feeders.
Tube feeders are long and cylindrical in shape, with small holes near the top where birds can insert their beaks to reach the bird seed inside. Hopper feeders are similar in shape to tube feeders but have a large opening at the top where birds can perch and eat. Platform feeders are flat surfaces with raised edges, upon which birds can land and eat the bird seed placed there. Window feeders are designed to be attached to windows so that birds can eat right up close to your home.
The type of bird food you put inside your birdfeeder will also depend on the type of birds you want to attract. Bird food includes sunflower seeds, peanuts, and suet. Some tips on how to put out your birdfeeder include using a squirrel-proof design and making sure that the feeder is level so that the seed does not spill out.
2. Add A Water Source
Adding a water source to your backyard is a great way to attract birds. Water is essential for birds, and they will be drawn to any backyard that has a water source. Birdhouses are also a great way to attract birds. Solar fountains are also a good option for attracting birds. These emit a gentle flow of water that will attract birds to your yard.
3. Offer Birdhouses
Building a birdhouse is a great way to attract birds to your yard. There are a few things to consider when building a birdhouse, such as the size and shape of the house, and what type of bird you want to attract.
The most important thing to remember when building a birdhouse is to make sure the entrance hole is the right size for the type of bird you want to attract. If the hole is too small, the bird will not be able to get inside, and if it is too large, predators will be able to get in.
Once you have decided on the size and shape of your birdhouse, you can start construction. It is important that the house is made out of sturdy materials that will withstand weathering and decay. Some good choices for materials include cedar or redwood for the exterior and plywood or pine for the interior.
After your birdhouse is built, you need to decide where to place it. The best location for a birdhouse is in an open area away from trees or other structures that could block access or provide perches for predators. Once you have found the perfect spot for your new house, simply mount it on a pole or post using screws or nails. Make sure that the house is secure so that it does not fall and hurt any birds.
4. Add Native Plants
Native plants are more effective in attracting backyard birds because they provide the birds with the type of food that these birds prefer. By adding native plants to your backyard, you can help promote a healthy ecosystem that supports both bird species and insects. Grow native plants that offer food, shelter, and fruit for the birds. Non-native plants can outcompete native plants and disrupt the ecosystem, so it’s important to select plants that will be beneficial to your backyard birds.
We just covered some of the many backyard birds in Nevada. If you want more information on any of these birds or numerous other birds that you can see in Nevada, check out the Lahontan Audubon Society.
Happy birdwatching!