12 Woodpeckers in Texas (plus 2 rare)
There are 12 species of woodpeckers in Texas plus 2 rare ones, the Williamson’a Sapsuckers and the Lewis’s Woodpecker. They range from the smallest woodpecker, the Downy, to the largest Woodpecker, the Pileated.
The common woodpeckers that are seen in Texas include the Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Red-naped Sapsucker, and Red-headed Woodpecker Red-bellied Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Red-cockaded Woodpecker and Acorn Woodpeckers.
Woodpeckers can be found in various places, including suburban backyards, woodlands, and forests. This resource is a guide to identifying and learning more about these birds in detail or finding out which kind lives near you in Texas.
Some people see woodpeckers as a nuisance since they can cause damage to buildings and houses, especially cedar siding. Others see them as good as they eat insects and keep the insect population in check.
No matter which way you see them woodpeckers are interesting creatures and provide a beautiful sound when pecking.
All woodpeckers are protected by the federal migratory bird treaty act which makes it unlawful to kill, harm, hunt, etc. any species of woodpecker.
Where To Find Woodpeckers In Texas
Looking for woodpeckers in Wyoming? Woodpeckers can be found in various habitats across Texas, including forests, woodlands, parks, and even suburban areas. You can see Downy, Hairy, and Northern Flickers in your backyard. A Great place to see not only woodpeckers but all birds is Big Bend National Park home to woodpecker species such as the ladder-backed woodpecker, and golden-fronted woodpecker.
Some popular locations where you can see woodpeckers in Texas are:
- Sabine Woods–Situated near Sabine Pass on the Gulf Coast, this bird sanctuary attracts a variety of migratory birds, including the red-headed woodpecker, downy woodpecker, and pileated woodpecker.
- Brazos Bend State Park: Located southwest of Houston, this park is known for its rich birdlife. Look for species like the red-bellied woodpecker, pileated woodpecker, and yellow-bellied sapsucker.
- Davis Mountains State Park: Situated in West Texas, this park is home to the acorn woodpecker, ladder-backed woodpecker, and Williamson’s sapsucker. Keep an eye out for them while exploring the park’s trails.
- Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge: While primarily a refuge for the endangered Attwater’s prairie chicken, this area near Eagle Lake also supports woodpeckers such as the red-cockaded woodpecker.
- Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge: Located along the upper Texas coast, this refuge is a haven for migratory birds. You might spot the red-bellied woodpecker, downy woodpecker, and hairy woodpecker here.
- Caddo Lake State Park: Situated in East Texas, this park offers a mix of cypress swamps and hardwood forests, providing suitable habitat for the pileated woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, and others.
For more birdwatching in Texas see our article on backyard birds.
Woodpeckers in Texas
1. pileated woodpecker
Scientific Name: Dryocopus pileatus Size: 16.5 inches
Description And Field Marks
The largest woodpeckers in Texas are the Pileated. It’s almost the size of a crow with an all-black body with white stripes down a long neck and a bright red crest on the back of their heads and strong bills. White under-wing and white wing patches are easily seen in flight.
Pileated Woodpeckers fly in fairly straight lines, unlike other woodpecker species, who fly in undulating lines.
These birds have been known to thrive in forests, especially throughout the Chippewa National Forest in Northern Minnesota. Therefore, Pileated Woodpeckers provide an important source of biodiversity to the state’s ecosystem and also act as indicators for healthy woodlands.
These are noisy, loud woodpeckers. Their drum is slow and powerful, accelerates, and then trails off, not more than two times a minute.
Pileated Woodpeckers drill out nest holes in large tree trunks. These nests can take from 3 to 6 weeks to build as they are very large, up to 2 feet wide.
Pileated Woodpeckers lay 3 to 5 white eggs each breeding season. The incubation period is 15 to 18 days and the young will remain in the nest for 24 to 31 days.
They really like carpenter ants, so they’re often found foraging at the bottoms of dead trees or on fallen logs.
Likes mature forests and open woodlands. Pileated Woodpeckers look for dead trees and logs, which offer food and a nest cavity.
Pileated Woodpeckers can be found all year round in the eastern part of the state.
Bird Notes
Pileated Woodpecker holes are rectangular rather than round or oval like other woodpeckers, and they are deep enough to break smaller trees in half.
Call And Drumming
2. red-bellied woodpeckers
Scientific Name: Melanerpes carolinus Size: 9.4 inches
Description And Field Marks
The red-bellied woodpecker is widespread and common across the United States. Their physical appearance makes them easy to identify, and they are also known for their distinctive call.
You can identify them by their red belly (hence the name) and black and white stripes down their back. Male Red-bellied Woodpeckers also have a red cap, but females only have napes of red.
It’s a medium-sized woodpecker, it’s loud, and it will peck on your siding. These are the woodpeckers that are a nuisance in suburban areas because they can cause a lot of damage to your cedar shingles.
Red-bellied Woodpeckers also build nest sites in dead trees and make the same nest each year. The male and female help to excavate the hole and care for the eggs. They lay up to 4-5 eggs on top of wood chips inside the nest cavity. The eggs hatch after about 2 weeks, and the young birds leave the nest after about 4-5 weeks.
Red-bellied Woodpeckers devour spiders, insects, and seeds from grasses, fruits, and nuts. They are especially fond of acorns and beech nuts. In fact, they play an important role in dispersing these seeds since they often cache (or store) more food than they can eat in one sitting.
Loves suet, peanut butter, and peanuts from your backyard feeders.
Red-bellied Woodpeckers are found in all Eastern US states, and they don’t migrate. This means that you can see them in Texas all year round, especially in the northern and eastern parts of the state. They tend to stay close to the ground and can often be found in birdfeeders, specifically in wooded areas.
Call And Drumming
3. downy woodpecker
Scientific Name: Dryobates pubescens Size: 5.5-6.7 inches
Description And Field Marks
Downy Woodpeckers are bigger than the House Finch but smaller than Red-winged Blackbirds and are the smallest woodpecker in Texas. It has a black-and-white striped head and black wings with white spots and a solid white back and white underparts. The Downy Woodpecker has a black tail with white outer tail feathers with black bars or spots. The adult males have a small red patch on the back of their heads.
Look for their nest in dead trees or live trees with dead areas. They carve out an area large enough for the eggs and the bird. They line the nest only with wood chips. The nest can take weeks to make and is done by both the male and female.
A Downy woodpecker only has one brood each year with 3 to 8 eggs which are white in color. The incubation period is around 12 days with both the male and female taking turns. The young will stay in the nest for around 30 days.
Downy Woodpeckers eat insects and sap from the pine tree’s sap wells. The male tends to eat from the ground while the female likes to find insects from branches and in trees. They will also eat seeds, weeds, and fruit.
The Downy Woodpecker will visit your backyard suet feeders for suet and nuts.
The Downy woodpecker can be found year-round in the state of Texas, especially in the eastern part of the state. You will see them in residential areas, cities, farmland, and wooded areas.
Call And Drumming
4. ladder-backed woodpecker
Scientific Name: Picoides scalaris Size: 6.3-7.1 inches
Description And Field Marks
A ladder-backed woodpecker is a small woodpecker the size between a sparrow and a robin. It is primarily colored black and white, with a barred pattern on its back and wings resembling the rungs of a ladder. The male has a red crown patch while the females have a black crown. Juveniles are similar to adult males, though the red is less extensive.
The ladder-backed Woodpecker typically nests in a cavity excavated in a tree, large cactus, utility pole, or fencepost, usually 4-20′ above ground, although sometimes higher. Both sexes may excavate the cavity, but the male may do most of the work.
The pair may remain together for most of the year, performing displays such as raising head feathers, bobbing and turning the head, spreading wings and tail, and taking flight for territorial defense.
The female usually lays 3-4 white eggs, which hatch at about 13 days. Both parents feed the young insects, but the age when the young leave the nest is not well known.
The Ladder-backed Woodpecker has an omnivorous diet, primarily composed of insects such as wood-boring beetles, leafworms, caterpillars, ants, true bugs, and some insect larvae. They will also feed on berries and cactus fruit when necessary.
They may also come for mealworms offered at feeding stations, peanut butter, and black oil sunflower seeds. Additionally, they may be attracted to suet feeders in the northern parts of their range.
The Ladder-backed woodpecker is primarily found in dry brushy areas and thickets deserts, such as the southeastern corner of California into Mexico. They may also inhabit treeless areas such as deserts, desert scrubs, and thorn forests with elevations of up to 7,600 feet.
They are found in the southwestern United States and you will find them in places that don’t have lots of trees. Look for them all year round, especially in Houston, Waco, and west of Dallas.
Call And Drumming
The Ladder-backed Woodpecker’s vocalizations and calls include a repeated, high-pitched “pik,” a slightly descending “jee jee jee” series, and a slower “kweek kweek kweek.” Its drum is an uncomplicated roll
5. golden-fronted woodpecker
Scientific Name: Melanerpes aurifrons Size: 8.7 to 10 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Golden-fronted Woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker, about the size of an American Robin. They are black-and-white woodpeckers with tan breasts. Males have a yellow spot in front of the eyes, a red crown, and a yellow-orange nape. The lower belly is yellow on northern birds (United States). Females have a yellow patch in front of the eye and a yellow nape.
Golden-fronted woodpeckers nest in tree cavities in deciduous forests and occasionally in coniferous forests. They roost and nest in tree cavities, typically 6 to 20 feet above the ground, and they may also nest in utility poles and fence posts. The birds prefer trees such as cottonwood, willow, cypress, oak, and juniper as nesting sites.
Golden-fronted woodpeckers typically have 1-2 broods of chicks per year, with each brood consisting of 4-7 eggs. The incubation period lasts 12-14 days, and the nestling period lasts 30-32 days until the chicks become independent.
Both sexes care for the young and the female usually incubates the eggs during the day while the male takes over at night.
Golden-fronted Woodpeckers are omnivorous with most of their diet consisting of insects, such as arthropods (spiders, walkingsticks, beetles, ants, praying mantis, cicadas, grasshoppers, and moths). Plant-based foods include corn, wild fruits, acorns, pecans, beans, citrus, cactus fruits, and berries. They also occasionally store fruits and nuts in small, dark places.
The Golden-fronted Woodpecker is found in Texas, Oklahoma, and parts of Mexico and Central America. It is similar in appearance to the Red-bellied Woodpecker and may interbreed with them where their ranges meet in Texas.
Golden-Fronted Woodpeckers are typically found in riparian woodlands, arid tropical scrubs, semi-arid to arid brushlands, and savannas that include stands of cottonwood, willow, and cypress, as well as oak and juniper trees. These woodpeckers also visit suburban and urban parks, as well as backyard feeders.
Texas is the only state where you can see the Golden-fronted Woodpeckers all year. Although you can spot them throughout Texas, they are more common in the southeast part, south of San Antonio.
Call And Drumming
6. hairy woodpecker
Scientific Name: Leuconotopicus villosus Size: 7.1-10.2 inches
Description And Field Marks
Very similar to the Downy Woodpecker in color and looks except the Hairy Woodpecker is larger in size and has a longer bill.
Hairy Woodpeckers make their nest in trees, especially diet trees. They lay 3-6 all-white eggs with an incubation period of 10 to 12 days. The young woodpeckers remain in the nest for about a month.
Their main source of food is insects that they find in trees and branches.
Hairy Woodpeckers are year-round residents of Texas backyards and also woodlands, anywhere there is an abundance of large trees, especially in the eastern part of the state. If you don’t see them you will definitely hear them drumming on trees.
Call And Drumming
7. northern flickers
Scientific Name: Colaptes auratus Size: 11.0-12.2 inches
Description And Field
The Northern Flicker male and female are similar in color. They both have a rounded head, the bill is curved down and the tail tapers to a long point.
With its gray-brown plumage, Northern Flickers stand out from other woodpeckers in their area. They also have plenty of dark markings on their undersides and brightly colored tail feathers.
Although the same bird their colors differ from the eastern United States (bright yellow wing and tail feathers) and the western US (red wing and tail feathers).
The Northern Flicker is “the woodpecker that doesn’t peck wood.” Instead, it cleans insects from the bark of trees.
It nests in holes excavated by other animals, such as squirrels and woodpeckers. It lays 5 to 8 eggs which are all white. They only have one brood per nesting season.
The incubation period is around 2 weeks and the young stay in the nest for about a month.
Northern Flickers mostly will eat insects that they get from the ground. They will “drum” at the ground as other woodpeckers drum in trees and wood. During the winter months, they will also eat fruits and seeds.
The Northern Flicker is a great backyard bird because it is generally easy to attract and stops in at your suet and peanut feeders, but most likely you’ll see them nesting in old trees.
You will see Northern Flickers in city parks and backyards in the suburbs. They will also be in woodlands with open trees, burned forests, swamps, and marshes.
The Northern Flicker is the most common woodpecker in Texas and can be seen year-round in the northeast part of the state and during winter in the rest of Texas.
Call And Drumming
The Northern Flicker has a wide range of calls. It has a typical woodpecker-like “drum” and a more musical, gurgling call that is often mistaken for the song of the Red-winged Blackbird.
They make excellent watch birds due to their loud “wicka-wicka-wicka” call that can be heard from quite a distance.
8. yellow-bellied sapsucker
Scientific Name: Sphyrapicus varius Size: 7.1-8.7 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is larger than the Downy Woodpecker and smaller than the Hairy Woodpecker about the size of a Robin with black and white plumage.
It has a straight bill and long wings The yellow-bellied sapsucker woodpecker has markings on its underside, but its plumage is mostly black and white. The female has a red cap on its head while the male also has a red cap plus a red throat. They both have pale yellow bellies.
The male chips out a cavity in a tree about 10 inches deep which takes him several weeks. As the cavity is deep inside, the outside hole of the nest is only about 1.5 inches giving protection to the eggs and young.
The female lays 3 to 6 white eggs with an incubation period of 10 to 13 days. The young stay in the nest for about a month.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker drills into trees and eats their sap similar to the way we tap a tree for maple syrup. They don’t go on dead trees like other woodpeckers but love maple trees and other trees. They sometimes are seen on feeders eating suet.
The yellow-bellied sapsucker is known for drilling small, neatly spaced rows of sap wells. Look for the yellow-bellied sapsucker by its love of aspen trees. They act like other woodpeckers with the way they move up and down the tree but are very protective of their sap wells keeping other birds away.
Look for them in young deciduous forests. They are migrating birds that spend their winters in Texas, mostly on the Gulf Coast.
Call And Drumming
9. red-headed woodpecker
Scientific Name: Melanerpes erythrocephalus Size: 7.5-9.1 inches
Description And Field Marks
You can’t miss these medium-sized birds with their bright red head and white belly. The Red-headed woodpecker is the size of a Hairy woodpecker, between the size of a Robin and a Crow.
It has a powerful, spike bill that it uses to peck at wood to get insects. Its back and the tip of its tail are black but it has white wings. The male and female look the same but an immature bird has a brownish head with brown on its back and although its wings are white they have brown lines on them.
The male picks out the nesting site and both the male and female help to build the nest, which is usually in dead trees.
They have one to two broods each year with 3 to 10 eggs which are pure white in color. The incubation period is around 12 to 14 days with both the male and female taking turns. The young will stay in the nest for 24 to 31 days.
Their diet consists mainly of insects, fruits, and seeds. It is one of the few woodpeckers that will store its food in tree cavities to consume later. They will also visit backyard suet feeders during the winter.
The red-headed woodpecker is one of the more aggressive woodpeckers as it will fight with birds larger than itself and even take over nest boxes from other birds including ducks.
They like areas where they are dead trees. They can be plentiful in an area one year and can be rarely seen the next year.
You will see them during the breeding season in the northwest of Texas and year-round in the northeast. They may even spend winters in Texas too.
Call And Drumming
10. red-naped sapsucker
Scientific Name: Sphyrapicus nuchalis Size: 7 to 9 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Red-naped Sapsucker is a medium-sized woodpecker with black and white plumage with yellow and red accents. Its upper parts are black-barred with white, and it has a bold white stripe across each wing. It has yellowish bellies, black breast bands, and red throats. Its head is bright red with black stripes through and above the eyes.
The beak of Red-Naped Sapsuckers is short and straight. Males and females look much alike, but females usually have less red on their throats and napes.
The Red-naped Sapsucker creates its nest typically in healthy aspen trees or dead conifers. They use their powerful feet and stiff tail feathers to hitch up and down the tree bark and begin to drill circular and rectangular holes. Once they have excavated the nest cavity, they will line it with woodchips.
Once the nest is ready, the female lays 3-7 white eggs which need to be incubated for 12-13 days with a nesting period of about a month. Both the male and female look after the young. The Red-naped Sapsucker may reuse their old nests or build new nests in the same tree.
The Red-naped Sapsucker is an omnivore and primarily feeds on sap from trees such as willow, birch, alder, and chokecherry. They drill rectangular or circular holes into the inner bark of these trees and lap up the sap using their specialized tongue.
They also consume insects such as ants, spiders, beetles, and flies, as well as fruits and seeds. During the nesting season, they eat more insects to feed their young. Red-naped Sapsuckers are also known to visit bird feeders for breadcrumbs.
The Red-naped sapsucker is a short-distance migratory bird and is found in the western parts of the United States, from Washington to Montana, going down to Los Angeles and New Mexico, and moving past the Gulf of California to Mexico.
During the breeding season, it is mainly found in deciduous and evergreen forests, as well as gardens, yards, and forest edges from elevations of 1,000 to 10,000 feet. They also inhabit coastal forests comprised mainly of dead trees or large snags, as well as mixed coniferous forests, open- and closed-canopy forests, burns, and clear-cuts, if there are some remaining standing trees. In addition, they may inhabit orchards and woodlands.
Red-naped Sapsuckers can be found in Texas during migration, especially in the fall. Some will even stay in Texas for the winter months.
Call And Drumming
Both males and females use the scream, squeal, and waa call
11. red-cockaded woodpeckers
Scientific Name: Dryobates borealis Size: 7.9 to 9.1 inches
Description And Field Marks
The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker is on the endangered species list since their population has decreased significantly since the 1960s.
Although you would think that the red-cockaded woodpecker would have lots of red on it, they are mostly black and white in color like the downy and hairy woodpeckers. The side of a robin, with a large white cheek patch and black stripe on the lower portion of the cheek. Only the males have a tiny almost invisible red streak on its cheek.
The Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers live in the family unit and raise their young together as a family. It’s usually the young male siblings that remain with the parents to raise next year’s nesting birds. They make their nests in roost cavities in large live pine trees.
They have only one brood each season with 2 to 5 white shiny eggs. The incubation period is 10 to 11 days and the nesting period is 26 to 29 days.
They eat larvae and insects found under the bark of pine trees. These insects include southern pine beetles, other beetles, and ants. They will also eat pine seeds and fruits such as cherries, grapes, and blueberries.
The red-cockaded woodpecker lives in family units in old-growth southern pine forests. You will find them mostly on federal lands in the southeast United States. They prefer longleaf pine trees which are few because of all the logging that was once done and other tree species were planted in its place.
You can find them in the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge near the Eagle Lake area and in eastern Texas all year long.
Call And Drumming
12. acorn woodpeckers
Scientific Name: Melanerpes formicivorus Size: 8-9 inches
Description and field marks
The Acorn Woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker species native to western North America. Both males and females look similar with the head, neck, and upper parts mostly black.
The forehead and crown are pale white, forming a distinct cap that extends to the nape and the face has a unique pattern with a white eye ring and a black line extending from the bill to the eyes, resembling a mask. They have a strong, pointed bill, which is often used to excavate holes for caching acorns.
Acorn Woodpeckers often nest in large groups, forming colonies consisting of a few individuals to over a dozen birds. Within a colony, there is a dominant breeding pair that is responsible for most of the reproduction. while other members assist in raising the young.
They excavate nesting cavities in dead or decaying parts of trees. Acorn Woodpeckers are known for their extensive excavation work, creating numerous holes in trees, not only for nesting but also for storing acorns. They can raise multiple broods in a single breeding season.
Acorns are the mainstay of an Acorn Woodpecker’s diet. They are highly specialized in harvesting, storing, and consuming acorns. The woodpeckers collect acorns from oak trees, and they create small holes or “granaries” in tree trunks or other structures to store the acorns for future use. These granaries can contain thousands of acorns and serve as a food source during leaner times.
Acorn Woodpeckers supplement their diet with a variety of fruits and berries, insects, and even tree sap.
Acorn Woodpeckers have a strong affinity for oak trees and are often found in oak woodlands or forests. These habitats provide them with an abundant supply of acorns.
Their range is primarily concentrated in the western parts of North America, including California, Oregon, Washington, and parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico.
While there have been occasional sightings of Acorn Woodpeckers in Texas, they are considered rare visitors to the state. Your best chance would be in the westernmost parts of the state, near the border with New Mexico. Places to look are Davis Mountains State Park, western Texas including areas around Big Bend National Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park.
Call and drumming
Their calls include a distinctive, high-pitched “waka-waka-waka” or a series of nasal “kwirr” notes.
Rare Woodpeckers in Texas
13. williamson’s sapsucker
Scientific Name: Sphyrapicus thyroideus Size: 8-11 inches
Description And Field Marks
They are medium-sized woodpeckers the size of a robin. Males are mostly black with a yellow patch on their belly and white on their wings and behind their eyes. Females are black and white with brown heads.
The nesting pair selects a live tree to make its nest usually in large, older trees. They lay 4 to 6 glossy white eggs and only have one brood per breeding season. The eggs are incubated for 12 to 14 days.
Williamson’s Sapsuckers mainly eat sap from coniferous trees. They also eat ants and beetles by picking them from the live trees and branches.
Williamson’s Sapsucker is a migratory woodpecker species that breeds in the western United States. Although rare in Texas, you can see them in the Davis Mountains during migration. This species can be found in mixed conifer and deciduous forests with many different species of trees.
Call And Drumming
14. lewis’s woodpeckers
Scientific Name: Melanerpes lewis Size: 10.2-11 inches
Description And Field Marks
Lewis’s woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker species native to western North America. They have a red crown and nape, yellowish-orange face and neck, and greyish-brown wings and back.
The nesting behavior of Lewis’s Woodpeckers involves finding a cavity in a tree to excavate for the nest usually lower than 60′ above ground. The male typically chooses the nesting site, and the birds may mate for life and use the same nest site repeatedly.
Lewis’s Woodpeckers lay between 2 and 5 eggs per clutch, which are white with brown and purple spots. They are oval-shaped and measure around 2 inches in length. The eggs typically hatch in 12-14 days. The eggs are incubated mainly by the female, with the male providing short-term relief. Both parents care for the nestlings, bringing back insects in their bills to feed them, and the young birds leave the nest after 4-5 weeks.
The diet of the Lewis’s Woodpeckers consists mostly of insects, but they also consume a wide variety of fruits and berries, as well as acorns and other nuts. They catch insects in the air while in flight, gleans insects from tree surfaces, take small fruits from trees, harvest acorns or other nuts, then breaks them into pieces and store them to feed on during the winter.
Additionally, it may feed at flat, open bird feeders and may act aggressively toward other birds.
Lewis’s Woodpeckers are mainly found in open coniferous and riparian forests, orchards, and parks. Their migration behavior is quite variable from year to year. Some may be permanent residents in a particular area, while others may move south and to lower elevations during the winter.
In winter when large numbers of these birds are present, they may even travel to the lowlands of the southwest. They may migrate singly or in flocks, but the way they migrate typically remains consistent from year
Lewis’s woodpeckers are not common in Texas but do migrate to Texas and can be seen in winter between September and May.
Call And Drumming
Additionally, its unique call is a good way to identify it.
What Time Of Year Are Woodpeckers Most Active?
Woodpeckers are most active during the morning and evening hours.
Do Woodpeckers Only Live In Forests?
Woodpeckers can be found living throughout North America, and they are generally year-round residents. They prefer to live in areas with lots of trees, as they use these trees for food, nesting sites, and roosting sites.
How To Attract Woodpeckers To Your Backyard
The best way to attract woodpeckers to your backyard is to provide them with a natural habitat that includes plenty of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. You can also provide birdhouses or nesting boxes for them to use.
How Can You Identify Each Type Of Woodpecker?
Step 1: Look At The Overall Size Of The Woodpecker.
The Pileated Woodpecker is the biggest and is mostly black with white stripes on its face and neck. To identify this woodpecker, look for a large triangle of the red crest on the top of its head.
Downy Woodpeckers and Hairy Woodpeckers can be easily identified by their bill size in relation to their head size. Downy Woodpeckers have a small bill while Hairy Woodpeckers have a bill that is almost the same size as their head.
Step 2: Look At The Coloration Of The Woodpecker.
There are a few ways to identify woodpeckers by their appearance. One way is to look at the coloration of the woodpecker. Male woodpeckers usually have a red patch on the back of their heads, while females do not.
Step 3: Look At The Habitat Of The Woodpecker.
The habitat can help identify the type of woodpecker. Woodpeckers are typically found in forests, so if you see a woodpecker in a forest, it is most likely a Hairy Woodpecker. If you see a woodpecker in an open field, it is most likely a Downy Woodpecker.
What Is The Average Lifespan Of A Woodpecker?
Woodpeckers are small birds with a lifespan of 6 to 10 years.
What Do Woodpeckers Eat?
Woodpeckers are a type of bird that is known for its ability to peck at trees. Woodpeckers mainly feed on wood-boring insects, larvae, grubs, eggs, and pupae. They use their sharp and heavy bill to chisel and dig into trees to reach the food.
Suet, sunflower seeds, and peanuts are the best foods for attracting woodpeckers. They also consume a mix of berries, grains, and acorns.
Now that you know more about the different types of woodpeckers in Texas, keep an eye and especially an ear out to see these birds.
For more information on woodpeckers in Texas as well as other birds check out the Texas Audubon Society.